
I’m the co-director of Effective Altruism DC and spend a lot of time thinking about how to support the EA DC professional network and manage projects and people to make it better. More info about EA here. Outside of my job I spend most of my time with friends, reading, watching movies, and exercising. I use this site as a place to link to stuff I make or that I’m interested in.

Before EA DC I was a high school physics teacher for 7 years. I have all my physics resources on this page. I made animated video lectures for each day of my 2 year IB physics course which I host on my YouTube channel.

I also use this site to share stuff I like.

Email me at AndyMasley@gmail.com if you’d like to chat! If you’d like to talk about anything related to EA DC please email Andy@EffectiveAltruismDC.org. You can also connect with me on LinkedIn and Twitter, or follow my blog. You can leave me anonymous feedback here.

It is, therefore, a great source of virtue for the practiced mind to learn, bit by bit, first to change about in visible and transitory things, so that afterwards it may be possible to leave them behind altogether. The man who finds his homeland sweet is still a tender beginner; he to whom every soil is as his native one is already strong; but he is perfect to whom the entire world is as a foreign land. The tender soul has fixed his love on one spot in the world; the strong man has extended his love to all places; the perfect man has extinguished his. From boyhood I have dwelt on foreign soil and I know with what grief sometimes the mind takes leave of the narrow hearth of a peasant's hut, and I know too how frankly it afterwards disdains marble firesides and paneled halls.

-Hugh of Saint-Victor

This capability, seen from both the human and the animal side, calls for the gradual formation of an interdependent world in which all species will enjoy cooperative and mutually supportive relations. Nature is not that way and never has been. So it calls, in a very general way, for the gradual supplanting of the natural by the just.

-Martha Nussbaum

There are only two true things: intelligent religion and youthful love, which is to say the future and the present. The rest is not worth the trouble.

-François-René de Chateaubriand